Rana & Feras
August 17, 2025 · Ottawa, Canada
Please join Us on August 17, 2025, as we celebrate our wedding in Ottawa.
Rana’s Story
I grew up in the beautiful city of Damascus, Syria, where I spent most of my childhood. In 2016, I…
Actually, I believe you already know who we are
Feras’ Story
I agree with Rana.
Our Relationship
However, you might not know our story. In 2018, we met at the bottom of the stairs in the UC building at CarletonU, but this wasn’t the first time we really meet. Our paths crossed multiple times over the years, so the first time we meet may have been at a birthday party in 2017 or maybe even at the orthodontist’s office in 2011. Regardless, our lives were never complete until we found each other.
3:30 PM
St. Elias Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral
750 Ridgewood Ave
Ottawa, ON K1V 6N1
6:00 PM
National Gallery of Canada
380 Sussex Dr
Ottawa, ON K1N 9N4
Pressure’s on them!
Karam Badin Best Man
Jessica Badlissi Maid of Honour
Where to Stay?